Rev. Loretta Hazely and Husband Rev. Byron Hazely

Rev. Loretta Hazely and Husband Rev. Byron Hazely

Loretta J. Hazely and Byron H. Hazely, Pastors and founders of the New Life North Ambassadors for Christ Christian Church, are born-again Spirit-filled believers.  They have been married for forty-one years and have three blessed and highly favored children of God as well as 2 highly favored grandsons. Loretta and Byron grew up in Port Huron and have been serving God in a variety of ministerial roles for over 20 years.  It is the desire of Pastor Loretta and Byron to see the lost saved (receive New Life), and to help those saved grow into maturity in the abundant life Jesus gave.

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Click the photo to learn more about what we believe as a church!

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Come visit us!

2070 Allen Rd. 
Kimball, MI 48074


Phone: 1-810-966-9100
